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KPH Wien/Krems
Wir stehen für eine christliche Lehrer:innenbildung, die ein interreligiöses, interkulturelles und interkonfessionelles Lernen in Europa einzigartig möglich macht.



Inszenierungen des Lernens - Online -Lehrveranstaltung im Rahmen der «international week drama in education»

© pixabay

Die online -Lehrveranstaltung  wurde im Rahmen der «international week drama in education» mit 22 Studierenden der KPH Wien und 6 internationalen Teilnehmer*innen aus der Schweiz, aus Deutschland, Belgien und Holland via Zoom vom 17. bis 19. Mai 2021 in englischer Sprache abgehalten. 

Radka Svobodova, Dramapädagogin der Karlsuniversität Prag, und Egon Turecek, Dramapädagoge der KPH Wien/Krems, haben mit jeweils 14 der Teilnehmer*innen in online Meetings gearbeitet. Nach der Halbzeit wurden die Gruppen getauscht. Eine kurze Einführung in das Österreichische Schulsystem (Thomas Schrei), eine «keynote» zu «Language(s) of Encounter: The Relevance of Drama» (Egon Turecek), ein virtueller Besuch der Ausstellung «Groteske Komödie. Lodovoco Ottavio Burnacini» samt Workshop zu den Charakteren der Commedia dell’arte (im Theatermuseum) und ein virtueller Stadtspaziergang durch die Wiener Innenstadt, der einen Überblick über ca. 500 Jahre Repräsentationsgeschichte der habsburgischen Höfe, das Ende der Monarchie und die Entwicklung des (Musik-)Theaters im 20. Jahrhundert dokumentiert (Kathrin Claassen), waren Teil der Lehrveranstaltung. 

Radka Svobodova hat in ihrem Workshop die Studierenden mit dem von Augusto Boal entwickelten «Forumtheater» vertraut gemacht. «Warm ups» dienten dazu, zu den Themen Aggression, Gewalt und Unterdrückung nonverbale und verbale Ausdrucksformen zu finden und führten zu ersten Improvisationen: Unterdrückung mit Blick –Mimik – Körper – Bewegung  und weiters Unterdrückung mit Wort und Blick – Mimik – Körper – Bewegung. Schließlich erarbeiteten Kleingruppen in «breakout rooms» kurze Szenen zum Thema Unterdrückung. Bei den Bildschirmpräsentationen dieser Szenen wurde das beobachtende Publikum aufgefordert, in die Situation einzugreifen, um sie zu verbessern und im besten Fall die Gewalt zu beenden.

Egon Turecek hat in seinem Workshop zahlreiche Drama-technische Anleitungen, Drama-technische Spiele, Drama-pädagogische Methoden vermittelt, die dazu dienen, zu einem gegebenen Thema – als Beispiele gab es Märchen, Kurz- und Kindergeschichten – mit einer Gruppe einen eigenen, kreativen, spielerischen Zugang zu finden und dadurch zu einem ganzheitlichen Verständnis einer Situation, einer Geschichte, einer Fragestellung zu gelangen. Der Weg ist (schon) das Ziel!

Summary of the exclusively positive feedback on 5241.015 Inszenierungen des Lernens – Dramapädagogik, held online in a 3-day meeting from May 17 to 19, 2021

«Drama education is most effective for learning on a holistic approach. It puts the method “learning by doing” into a whole new perspective, because it does not only include learning through action and interaction, but also through emotions and self-awareness. It involves the whole body and all senses as much as the whole mind. It is proven that learning on a holistic approach improves cognitive skills. Drama education goes even beyond these cognitive skills, since it also has a huge impact on creativity, self-awareness and therefore self-confidence, and empathy. There are endless possibilities on the use of drama education methods, yet most of them don’t even require much material. “I can take any empty space and call it a bare stage. A man walks across this empty space while someone else is watching him, and this is all that is needed for an act of theatre to be engaged.” This quote by famous theatre director Peter Brook pretty much sums up the benefits of drama. If we put this into the context of drama education in schools, it means, that the variety of drama methods can be used at any given time. Either as introduction, main part or conclusion of a lesson. Therefore, I think that drama education, especially in primary school teaching, holds a huge potential for teaching and learning even complex topics. Children will get involved not just on a physical but also on an emotional level.»

«The conference was truly enlightening. I was able to break out of my comfort zone and act out the dramatic part of myself that I usually keep hidden, as I’m often told my energetic personality can be a bit intimidating to others. I guess, I was able to reconnect with myself through opening up to this small group that I have journeyed with during this conference. At first all of us were a bit reserved and shy, but through the help of our professional instructors, the dynamic of the group changed and we all got comfortable in trying out these drama education methods. It proves that drama education indeed requires professionally trained teachers to correctly instruct these methods. It truly is a pity that the conference had to be held digitally via zoom. I’m certain that the experience of the conference would have had an even greater impact on each of us future teachers, if it could have been done in presence. Nevertheless I think it’s quite impressive as to how much we were able to achieve through these online workshops.»

«I never did drama before, but after the conference I look forward to take part in another one. I had a great time, got to know many kind people, learned very useful things for my future, I was able to gain self-confidence and got the chance to express myself creatively.
Even though the course was online, the instructors made the best oft he situation. I think the course would have been more fun in presence, but I am happy that the course took place at all.»
«Additional to the big didactic and professional knowledge I acquired, I improved my english skills a lot and noticed I am not as bad as I thought. I am really happy I got to know so many new people from different countries, although it was just online. With regard to the digital situation, I would say that under the given circumstances it couldn’t have been carried out better. The numerous moments of practical exercises we did, loosened the important and informative theoretical parts up and made it an exceptional experience.»

«During this week I decided about what my bachelor thesis will be about. I have never seen theater and drama used in math in Belgium. I want to make a change here. I think math would appeal to a lot more students in that way. The only thing that still rests me is to say thank you for the amazing experience. You really did an excellent job. I never expected that it would be so interactive and educational. I can really use this. Thank you!»

«Many thanks and congrats to Radka and Egon for organizing drama online.
Last but not least a big thanks to Kathrin for all practical organization and your inspiring digital tour through Vienna. 
You were great, warm, nice people with a great deal of expertise.»

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Inszenierungen des Lernens - Online -Lehrveranstaltung im Rahmen der «international week drama in education»

© pixabay

Die online -Lehrveranstaltung  wurde im Rahmen der «international week drama in education» mit 22 Studierenden der KPH Wien und 6 internationalen Teilnehmer*innen aus der Schweiz, aus Deutschland, Belgien und Holland via Zoom vom 17. bis 19. Mai 2021 in englischer Sprache abgehalten. 

Radka Svobodova, Dramapädagogin der Karlsuniversität Prag, und Egon Turecek, Dramapädagoge der KPH Wien/Krems, haben mit jeweils 14 der Teilnehmer*innen in online Meetings gearbeitet. Nach der Halbzeit wurden die Gruppen getauscht. Eine kurze Einführung in das Österreichische Schulsystem (Thomas Schrei), eine «keynote» zu «Language(s) of Encounter: The Relevance of Drama» (Egon Turecek), ein virtueller Besuch der Ausstellung «Groteske Komödie. Lodovoco Ottavio Burnacini» samt Workshop zu den Charakteren der Commedia dell’arte (im Theatermuseum) und ein virtueller Stadtspaziergang durch die Wiener Innenstadt, der einen Überblick über ca. 500 Jahre Repräsentationsgeschichte der habsburgischen Höfe, das Ende der Monarchie und die Entwicklung des (Musik-)Theaters im 20. Jahrhundert dokumentiert (Kathrin Claassen), waren Teil der Lehrveranstaltung. 

Radka Svobodova hat in ihrem Workshop die Studierenden mit dem von Augusto Boal entwickelten «Forumtheater» vertraut gemacht. «Warm ups» dienten dazu, zu den Themen Aggression, Gewalt und Unterdrückung nonverbale und verbale Ausdrucksformen zu finden und führten zu ersten Improvisationen: Unterdrückung mit Blick –Mimik – Körper – Bewegung  und weiters Unterdrückung mit Wort und Blick – Mimik – Körper – Bewegung. Schließlich erarbeiteten Kleingruppen in «breakout rooms» kurze Szenen zum Thema Unterdrückung. Bei den Bildschirmpräsentationen dieser Szenen wurde das beobachtende Publikum aufgefordert, in die Situation einzugreifen, um sie zu verbessern und im besten Fall die Gewalt zu beenden.

Egon Turecek hat in seinem Workshop zahlreiche Drama-technische Anleitungen, Drama-technische Spiele, Drama-pädagogische Methoden vermittelt, die dazu dienen, zu einem gegebenen Thema – als Beispiele gab es Märchen, Kurz- und Kindergeschichten – mit einer Gruppe einen eigenen, kreativen, spielerischen Zugang zu finden und dadurch zu einem ganzheitlichen Verständnis einer Situation, einer Geschichte, einer Fragestellung zu gelangen. Der Weg ist (schon) das Ziel!

Summary of the exclusively positive feedback on 5241.015 Inszenierungen des Lernens – Dramapädagogik, held online in a 3-day meeting from May 17 to 19, 2021

«Drama education is most effective for learning on a holistic approach. It puts the method “learning by doing” into a whole new perspective, because it does not only include learning through action and interaction, but also through emotions and self-awareness. It involves the whole body and all senses as much as the whole mind. It is proven that learning on a holistic approach improves cognitive skills. Drama education goes even beyond these cognitive skills, since it also has a huge impact on creativity, self-awareness and therefore self-confidence, and empathy. There are endless possibilities on the use of drama education methods, yet most of them don’t even require much material. “I can take any empty space and call it a bare stage. A man walks across this empty space while someone else is watching him, and this is all that is needed for an act of theatre to be engaged.” This quote by famous theatre director Peter Brook pretty much sums up the benefits of drama. If we put this into the context of drama education in schools, it means, that the variety of drama methods can be used at any given time. Either as introduction, main part or conclusion of a lesson. Therefore, I think that drama education, especially in primary school teaching, holds a huge potential for teaching and learning even complex topics. Children will get involved not just on a physical but also on an emotional level.»

«The conference was truly enlightening. I was able to break out of my comfort zone and act out the dramatic part of myself that I usually keep hidden, as I’m often told my energetic personality can be a bit intimidating to others. I guess, I was able to reconnect with myself through opening up to this small group that I have journeyed with during this conference. At first all of us were a bit reserved and shy, but through the help of our professional instructors, the dynamic of the group changed and we all got comfortable in trying out these drama education methods. It proves that drama education indeed requires professionally trained teachers to correctly instruct these methods. It truly is a pity that the conference had to be held digitally via zoom. I’m certain that the experience of the conference would have had an even greater impact on each of us future teachers, if it could have been done in presence. Nevertheless I think it’s quite impressive as to how much we were able to achieve through these online workshops.»

«I never did drama before, but after the conference I look forward to take part in another one. I had a great time, got to know many kind people, learned very useful things for my future, I was able to gain self-confidence and got the chance to express myself creatively.
Even though the course was online, the instructors made the best oft he situation. I think the course would have been more fun in presence, but I am happy that the course took place at all.»
«Additional to the big didactic and professional knowledge I acquired, I improved my english skills a lot and noticed I am not as bad as I thought. I am really happy I got to know so many new people from different countries, although it was just online. With regard to the digital situation, I would say that under the given circumstances it couldn’t have been carried out better. The numerous moments of practical exercises we did, loosened the important and informative theoretical parts up and made it an exceptional experience.»

«During this week I decided about what my bachelor thesis will be about. I have never seen theater and drama used in math in Belgium. I want to make a change here. I think math would appeal to a lot more students in that way. The only thing that still rests me is to say thank you for the amazing experience. You really did an excellent job. I never expected that it would be so interactive and educational. I can really use this. Thank you!»

«Many thanks and congrats to Radka and Egon for organizing drama online.
Last but not least a big thanks to Kathrin for all practical organization and your inspiring digital tour through Vienna. 
You were great, warm, nice people with a great deal of expertise.»

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