08.05.2020: Workshop on the Construction of religious Plurality - in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Anne Koch (PHDL)

© KPH - Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Wien / Krems

On May 8th 2020, Prof. Dr. Anne Koch and Prof. Dr. Karsten Lehmann (the Research Professorships at the Pädagogischen Hochschule der Diözese Linz / PHDL and the Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Wien / Krems) organize a joint workshop on the Construction of religious Plurality. The workshop marks the establishment of the Research-Cooperation 'Religion_Pluralität'.


Initiates file downloadProgramme of the Workshop


If you want to attend the workshop, please send an email to:

HS Prof. Dr. Anne Koch (anne.koch(at)ph-linz.at) oder

HS Prof. Dr. Karsten Lehmann (karsten.lehmann(at)kphvie.ac.at)



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