In September 2016, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education (BMB) established a Special Research Area ‚Interreligiosity’ at the Private University College for Teacher Education Vienna/Krems (KPH). The Research Area is supposed to provide an empirical, context-sensitive basis for enhancing interreligious competence in teacher education.

Within the context of the research cooperation RELIGION_PLURALITÄT, SIR joins forces with the research professorship interreligiosity (HS-Prof. Dr. Bettina Brandstetter) at the Institute for Research and Development of the Private University of Education, Diocese of Linz.



11.12.2020: Publikation - IRD-Con

Yesterday JRaT - the Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society published a special issue entitled 'Interreligious Dialogue in Context: A European Comparison'. Prof. Dr. Karsten Lehmann has been the editor of the volume.


© JRaT - open access

The thematic issue consists of 16 contributions by internationally renowned experts for the empirical analysis of interreligious dialogue activities. It presents the very first systematic conparison of IRD-activities in Europe.

Link to the special issue

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