Two Panels at DVRW-Conference (Leipzig)

This year, Prof. Dr. Karsten Lehmann is responsible for two panels at the DVRW-Conference of the German Association for the Academic Study of Religion (in Leipzig).

© Institut für Religionswissenschaft / Leipzig

The first of these panels is entitled 'Religionen ausstellen / Exhibiting Religion'. It has been organized in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Martin Baumann (University of Lausanne / CH) and emerged inter alia out of Prof. Lehmann's experiences with the ZwieKrie-exhibition 'Religiöse Vielfalt an Wiener Schulen der Zwischenkriegszeit / Religious Plurality at Viennese Schools during the Interwar Period'. The second panel will deal with Cooperations among 'religious' and 'secular' Actors. It is the official panel of the DVRW-Standing Working Group 'Religions and Politics'. Further information you will find here.

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